
“I would have thought you’d prefer to preserve your senses, your field of view,your hearing. Or have you grown used to your fucktoy uniform already?” David didn’t bother to suppress the smirk. “Alright, let me get you a hood with some eyeholes. We’ll turn you into the quintessential sexslave - one guaranteed a warm welcome anywhere.”
Not all too surprisingly, an appropriate hood was close at hand and soon the all too familiar tightness of the hood was closing up around you, its narrow eyeholes shrinking your world, the ever present faint leather smell and tight hold a constant reminder that you that you were an owned thing, a belonging.
“I won’t lock it in place” David said, as he fastened the straps around your neck ”As with the gag - it’s possible you may need to remove them during the mission - though I can’t imagine why that should ever be the case. Let no-one say I don’t learn my lessons”

The tone suggested that any such suggestion would see the suggestor undergoing some excruciating re-education.

“Of course if you do remove it or even - Gods forbid - actually lose it, I will be very unhappy about it….”

His hand drifted down to your breast, pinching it lightly

“...And then soon thereafter, so will you.”

David's tone was lighthearted, almost as though sharing a joke between friends but something about the faint smile on his face suggested he wasn’t joking - that he’d gladly take the opportunity. “Now spend a little time looking around the room. Get used to your new field of view. And then… well then it’s time to go.”

The Ship